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Now in convenient solution form with control of sustained release, STABLEX is providing a means of using ClO2 in products and processes where previously available unstable solutions of Cl02 gas were not practical.

The STABLEX complex is a combination of oxygen and chlorine joined as ClO2 in an aqueous solution. It is now commercially available as a drum-packaged concentrate. It is easy to use and safe to store. When used as directed, it is odorless and tasteless.


  • Sanitizes and disinfects all types of surfaces.
  • Superior penetrating performance for exceptional cleaning results.
  • Certified for safe use around surfaces in contact with foods.
  • Sanitize and disinfects all in one step.
  • Safe for the end users & the environment.
  • Works in synergy with all other institutional line.
  • 100% biodegradable.

STABLEX is available in quantities of 1, 4, 20, 208, and 1000 liters.

Please contact us for additional information.